The right au pair for the right Family

Information for Host Family

Before the au pair’s arrival, the host family receives a "Handbook" from Energy Au Pair with lots of practical information.

If you do not find answers to your inquiries, please contact us at this email:

Why become a host family?

As a host family, you and your children will have a quieter life. You will discover the joy of having more flexibility with the children in the morning, some more time, and quiet life with family's regular chores.

Family members of all ages will experience that being a host family for an au pair provides a unique opportunity to get to know a new culture and a new country. Being a host family is very rewarding, for each and every member of your family. You will all get another person to cherish and your everyday-life will get a true energy boost. You will have a new family member who will help you take care of the children and who will participate in your family life.

By having an au pair, children will always have an adult nearby, who is interested in their activities as a supplement to their parents' involvement. The au pair often accompanies the children to and from school/kindergarten, plays with them, helps with homework, assists with housework and gives the whole family an insight into another country and language in an exciting, challenging, and fun way.

If you know anyone who considers hosting an au pair, ask them to sign up on our website!


Our price

You only pay if and when you invite an au pair, mediated through us. Our mediation fee is 6900 NOK.

We arrange all the formalities connected with visa application at the Embassy of Norway in the au pair's home country and communicate with UDI in Norway, where we follow up on each case if necessary. The price also includes a "1-month guaranty". Should the challenges prove to be too tough for either you / or the au pair, we provide the first 3 months guarantee which means that we will offer a new au pair to their family at no extra cost for our service. If such a situation arises, we will work purposefully for a quick solution.

Only "paperwork" and guidance, if you have found your au pair yourself: 2.900 NOK (if the au pair changes her/ his host family in Norway or is an EU citizen)

What is an au pair?

Au pairs are young adults from another country aged between 18-30. The au pair is considered as a full member of the family; she/he lives with a Norwegian family usually for one or two years. The au pair helps the family with childcare and light household tasks. In return, the host family provides free board and lodging as well as pocket money.

As a general rule, the au pair must not have the same nationality as anyone in the host family.

In accordance with the provisions of the Council of Europe, the working time of an au pair is set at a maximum of 30 hours per week, divided into 5 hours a day and 6 days per week (or 6 hours a day 5 days per week).

The working hours shall be arranged so that the au pair has at least one day off (24 hours) a week and at least one such day off per month should be Sunday. In addition, the au pair must have at least one fixed free afternoon per week. Au pairs are entitled to have free time on public holidays.

The au pair should have the opportunity to attend language courses and leisure activities.

The au pair's tasks are mainly childcare and light housework. The au pair work cannot be combined with the other work, regardless of whether the work is with or without remuneration.

After the au pair is registered in the National Register and has been assigned a social security number, the au pair is automatically registered also in the health system.

The au pair pays taxes on par with Norwegian citizens.

Host family requirements

- A family can have only one au pair at a time. The family must speak Norwegian daily to represent Norwegian culture.

- The au pair must have his/her own room in the host family's house and must stay with the host family throughout the contract period. In spite of the fact that the au pair does not work full time, the Working Environment Act also applies to au pairs.

- The au pair should work no more than 5 hours a day, 6 days per week (or a maximum of 6 hours per day 5 days per week) and no more than 30 hours per week.

- The working hours should be arranged so that the au pair has at least every other Sunday free and at least one fixed free afternoon per week.

- The au pair is entitled to a minimum of 25 working days of holiday each calendar year. Although the au pair has not worked for the whole calendar year but started with the host family by September 30, the au pair is entitled to a full holiday. If the au pair starts working after September 30, she/he is entitled to 6 working days' holiday. The same rules will apply in case of a change of host family, as long as the au pair can document the fact that holidays have not been arranged and used with a former host family.

- The au pair should have the opportunity to attend a language course and leisure activities. The host family must pay for the au pair's Norwegian course and study material with up to 10 225 NOK per year in addition to the travel expenses to and from the language school.

- The au pair is also entitled to pocket money even if he/she falls ill. It is very important for the au pair to be treated as a family member. They should feel welcomed in their host family. It is significant that you help him/her in the transition to adapt to life in a new family, in an unknown country, with a foreign language and culture.

- The host family and the au pair should be motivated to meet each other with openness and flexibility.

Having an au pair is rewarding in many ways, exciting, challenging, and fun. Remember that at the very beginning of the au pair's stay, it can be very tough for him/her. To make the transition as easy as possible, the host family should be honest, try to communicate as much as possible, ask, inform, and speak out directly about big and small and at the same time give the au pair time to get into everything new he/she has to deal with.

What does it cost to have an au pair?

Registration for EU-citizens is free.

If the au pair is a non-EU citizen and is changing a host family, she/ he has to pay 9.300 NOK to the UDI. This amount of money cannot, in most cases, be afforded by an au pair applicant. We recommend that the family and the au pair share this application fee. We ask all our host families to pay the cost of 5 850 NOK while the rest is covered by the au pair. Once you have found an au pair, we will find a solution (which suits you and the au pair) on how to pay the fee.

The minimum rate for pocket money/salary for au pairs is 7 000 NOK per month (before tax).

An au pair has free food and lodging with the family. The pocket money covers expenses for private consumption.
Employer’s tax must be paid on all the wages the au pair receives, except for wages related to the care of children under 12 years old. The wages include pocket money as well as the value of board and lodging. When the host famioy has children under 12 years old, the payment of the employer's tax will depend on how much of the au pair's work is related to childcare and how much is related to housework.

The host family must also pay for the au pair's Norwegian course with a minimum 10 225 NOK per year (approx. 880 NOK per month) including study material and travel expenses in connection with the completion of the Norwegian course. 

In addition, the host family must pay insurance for the au pair that covers the au pair's return home in the event of death, illness or injury.

Energy Au Pair cooperates with Europeiske Reiseforsikring. Prices for au pair insurance are currently 1 750 NOK for 1 year, 2 500 NOK for 18 months. and 2 900 NOK for 2 years (the prices are valid from 22.06.2020).

The au pair is entitled to vacation for a total of 25 working days each calendar year in accordance with the Holiday Act. Although the au pair has not worked for the whole calendar year but started with the host family by September 30, the au pair is entitled to a full holiday. If the au pair starts working after September 30, she/he is entitled to 6 working days holiday. The same rules will apply in case of a change of host family, as long as the au pair can document the fact that holidays have not been arranged and used with a former host family. The Holiday Act applies to the payment of holiday pay.

The au pair is entitled to holiday allowance in accordance with the provisions of the Holiday Act - i.e. the au pair earns 10.2% of the salary and the value of the cost in holiday allowance. The value of food in 2024 is set at 102 NOK (in 2023 it was set at 98 NOK per day).

The expenses and the value of free boarding and lodging (for 2024 set at 144 NOK per day) are taxable. The host family shall deduct tax from the au pair's salary and pay it to the tax collector.

We will provide further information when the host family makes an agreement with an au pair.

The au pair must submit a tax return and it is necessary to pre-equate it so that all tax is settled before the au pair leaves Norway. Taxes that the au pair benefits from can be paid out before the au pair leaves.

The au pair's monthly pocket money is fixed, no matter how many children you have.

The au pair can often be combined with kindergarten, after-school activities, or nanny and you may continue to receive cash-for-care benefits.

The host family will cover the expenses for the au pair's return journey.

If the host family invites a Filipino au pair and the au pair has to travel to Norway from the Philippines, the host family is obliged to pay for the au pair's trip to Norway - this is a requirement from the Philippine authorities.

If an au pair travels to Norway directly from the Philippines, an exit permit must also be arranged for him/her. This is a requirement of the Philippine authorities. Their contract must be verified at the Philippine Embassy in Oslo in order to obtain the exit permit in the Philippines. We charge 1900 NOK in total for verification of the contract (so-called "red ribbon") and the shipment by courier (DHL).


Travel expenses

The Norwegian authorities do not require the family to pay for the au pair's trip to Norway. The family must cover the return trip from the au pair's first destination in Norway to the family's place of residence. There are also some families who refund the flight to Norway when the au pair has been with the host family for example for 3 or 6 months.

If the host family invites a Filipino au pair and the au pair has to travel to Norway from the Philippines, the host family is obliged to pay for the au pair's trip to Norway - this is a requirement from the Philippine authorities.

The family should pay for public transport if the au pair has to accompany/pick up children.

The host family must cover the au pair's travel expenses in connection with the au pair's return journey. This obligation lapses if the au pair remains in Norway on another basis of residence or if the au pair wishes to return to a country other than the home country.


Need help finding the right au pair?

If the answer to this question is YES, then you should register as a host family on our website. It is completely non-binding and without a registration fee. You can notify us at any time during the process if you no longer wish to be registered in our system, without obligation until you have found an au pair and signed a contract.

We will review the information you have entered and will send a presentation to one or more au pair applicants that we believe may fit into your family.

It will be a great advantage if you write a letter describing your everyday life, leisure time, interests and especially some information about the kids as well as attach one or more pictures. These are documents that remain in our system and will only be shown to the au pair candidates whom we evaluate as potential au pairs for your host family. The more information about the host family and their needs we have, the better chance is expected to find the best fit for the family. Therefore, we ask you to complete your family profile on our website.

We try to check the references, but strongly recommend you as a family to do it as well. The reason is that during the conversation with a former employer or previous host family, some facts that are especially important to your family may emerge. At the same time, there may be something to "read between the lines" that is best perceived in a direct conversation.

We arrange a free telephone interview between the host family and the au pair (s).

Before and immediately after arrival, we recommend that you as a host family discuss with the au-pair the expectations of the stay both parties have. Be honest and direct and don't be too "nice", it can eventually become tiring for everyone and is not real. Remember that he/she will be with you for a whole year. Communication and openness are keywords both before and during your stay.

We also assist you with the necessary documentation and guidance during the au pair search process.


Norwegian Course

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An au pair with a valid residence permit is automatically a member of the National Insurance Scheme.

In addition, the host family must pay insurance for the au pair that covers the au pair's return/home in the event of death, illness or injury. (see

Energy Au Pair cooperates with If (earlier Europeiske Reiseforsikring).

The au pair insurance from Europeiske Reiseforsikringis the only one on the Norwegian market that does not have any amount of limitation on coverage. In addition to the mandatory au pair insurance required by the UDI, Europeiske Reiseforsikring also includes its Au pair insurance loss and delay of checked luggage upon entry into Norway when the au pair comes here. No deductible is paid when using the insurance. See the terms here.

The insurance is linked to the au pair, but if for some reason the au pair does not come to the family you will be able to transfer the insurance to another au pair. The insurance start-up date may also be adjusted if there is a significant delay in the visa process. Unfortunately, the expenses incurred by the host family by taking out the insurance will not be refunded if the au pair terminates the contract or changes the host family during the insurance period.

The insurance must be taken out for the entire period for which permission is sought, and must be covered in full by the host family. This means that the au pair cannot be required to cover part or all of the sum insured by deduction of salary/pocket money or other reimbursement agreement. The insurance can be taken out for 12, 18 or 24 months. Prices for au pair insurance are currently the following: 1 850 NOK for 1 year, 2 500 NOK for 18 months. and 2 900 NOK for 2 years. 

This insurance is not liability insurance, but most property insurances have liability insurance included, and we recommend that you check how much your home insurance covers if the accident occurs and the au pair destroys something in your home or if a work injury occurs. In addition, ordinary travel insurance can be considered while the au pair lives in Norway.



It's very individual in regards to how long it takes to find the right au pair for you. This depends on which country you want the au pair to come from, your expectations of the au pair, the family considerations to be taken into account, and whether this coincides with the qualifications of au pairs. If it is urgent, contact us and we will do our utmost to accommodate your wishes.

Processing time at UDI for au pair applications is now 3-4 months from the day the au pair hands in the documents to the police, an Embassy, a consulate, or a Visa application center abroad. The waiting time may change. The changes will apply even to those applications which were submitted earlier. The information on the UDI website is updated once a month. 

If an au pair changes host family, she is allowed to move to a new host family and start working from the day she submitted the family exchange application online, paid the application fee, and booked an appointment with the police at UDI's portal. In some police districts, the waiting time for the appointment can be long, but the au pair has the right to move to the family and start working also before she has been at the police if an appointment is booked.

EU citizens do not need a residence permit and are allowed to move to the host family and work at any time. They just need to register.


Possible tasks for au pairs

Possible tasks within childcare:

Possible tasks in the house:

Help with animals:

Tasks which are not suitable for the au pair:


Little children

Yes, the au pair can be a good fit for very young children/babies. The family is presented with au pairs who are experienced in caring for toddlers. This does not cost anything extra.


Our guarantee

Host families should always take it into account that they have one month to understand whether the au pair is a good fit for the family or not. It is rare that it does not work, but if this happens, we will find a new au pair for you and a new family for the au pair. The guarantee is valid for one month from the day the au pair came to the host family (maximum one compensation per paid contract).

Before the au pair comes to the host family we send a 'Handbook' with lots of practical information.
If you do not find answers to  your inquiries, please contact us at e-mail


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